The Push presents

Rhys Mathewson

10th Rodeo

This is my tenth stand up show in the comedy festival and I promise you

with every fibre of my being

that if I were shit at this I would have realised by at least show #9 and given up.

Winner - Fred Award for Best Show 2016, NZ International Comedy Festival
Winner - Billy T James Award 2010, NZ International Comedy Festival

As seen on almost every comedy panel and every celebrity dancing show that NZ has to offer.

"one of NZ's best comedians" -

This is my tenth stand up show in the comedy festival and I promise you

with every fibre of my being

that if I were shit at this I would have realised by at least show #9 and given up.

Winner - Fred Award for Best Show 2016, NZ International Comedy Festival
Winner - Billy T James Award 2010, NZ International Comedy Festival

As seen on almost every comedy panel and every celebrity dancing show that NZ has to offer.

"one of NZ's best comedians" -

  • Auckland Shows
  • Wellington Shows

Ticket prices

Full Price: $35
Cheap Wednesday: $25

*service fee may apply


1 hour.

Wheelchair accessible

May contain colourful language and adult themes

All ages

Ticket prices

Price Range: $25 - $35

*service fee may apply


1 hour.

Wheelchair accessible

Occasional bad language

All ages